1. Contribution for significance decrease in the rate of child marriage at Dashrathchand Municipality and Melauli Municipality of Baitadi district. The judicial committee of these Local Governments have also committed for rigorous intervention for ending child marriage.

2. More than 500 families of Baitadi district reached through various radio programs with messages for environmental protection, ending child marriage, discouraging all forms of discrimination, and so on.

3. Contribution for the establishment of the rights of the Dalit, Deprived and other disadvantaged groups with increment of their access, participation and leadership in all the dimensions. It has assisted in improving their life standard through access to income generating activities, increasing productivity and linage to the market.

4. 80 people were provided with skill development training on sewing and knitting. 150 beneficiaries were provided with equipment and materials to open Beauty Parlor, retail trade, goat farming, sewing and knitting. 10 of these beneficiaries have started their own tailoring center.

5. 80 beneficiaries were reached through computer learning classes and civil service examination preparation classes. Among them, two have passed the public service commission examination.

6. Melauli Municipality, Baitadi has declared to reserve a seat for Dalit and Women applicants in any vacancies called by the local government, with continuous lobby from DSDF.

7. 15 victims have been legal support for the victims of the caste-based discrimination, 60 women victims have been provided with legal support against gender-based violence. DSDF has played important role in raising voice against discrimination and violence at Baitadi.

8. 2 School building have been constructed by DSDF for promotion of quality education. DSDF has constructed two water supply and two irrigational canals.

9. DSDF has contributed for providing relief aid, support for rehabilitation and rescue, during COVID-19 pandemic, and natural disasters like landslide, flood, and so on.

10. Capacity building of the community volunteers on right based approach, facilitation skills and livelihood skills.

11. Contribution for the protection of the environment with control in human activities and awareness.

12. DSDF has contributed for promotion of Adolescent Friendly Health Services, and access to quality health services for pregnant women, Dalit and other deprived communities